Tag / Cinema
In the enchanting realm of puppet animation, where strings dance to narratives both whimsical and profound, Jirí Trnka’s “A Drop Too Much” (1954) emerges as a poignant cautionary tale, transcending its strings to deliver a sobering message. Clocking in at a mere 14 minutes, this short film delicately balances artistry, storytelling, and a socially conscious...
In Jirí Trnka’s visionary 1962 Czechoslovakian stop-motion puppet cartoon, “The Cybernetic Grandma” (Kybernetická babička), a compelling sci-fi narrative unfolds, offering a cautionary tale about the potential pitfalls of machines and robots attempting to replace the irreplaceable bonds of human relationships. Trnka’s artistic vision delicately balances poetic fragility with dramatic warnings as it explores a dystopian...
The White Disease
A virus that first appeared in China, spread by shaking hands, putting the elderly at risk. The Czechoslovak film The White Disease (1937) evokes current headlines, but uses the epidemic primarily as a perspective on war and dictatorship. Bílá nemoc (The White Disease – as in leprosy) is a play written by Czech novelist Karel...
It’s time for a classic Czech dinner and a movie. Today, I am sharing the recipe for Šípková Omáčka – Czech Rosehip Sauce and Pajfalský knedlík – Pajfal dumplings from Slavnosti snezenek / The Snowdrop Festivities film. A delicious recipe, a fun film, and a wonderfully spent Czech-inspired afternoon project to enjoy a great meal...
Jirí Trnka’s cinematic brilliance takes a playful turn in “Archandel Gabriel a paní Husa” (1965), a joyful puppet film that draws inspiration from Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron. Set against the backdrop of medieval Venice, this 28-minute whimsical creation weaves a tale of love, humor, and the intervention of none other than Archangel Gabriel. The provided excerpt...
Czech Christmas Mass
Today we are bringing you a classic Czech animated film by Jakub Jan Ryba entitled Česká mše vánoční or Czech Christmas Mass, Hej mistře, with animated images by Josef Lada. It originally appeared on Czech TV in 1966. Beno Blachut, Jaroslava Vymazalová, Marie Mrázová, and Zdeněk Kroupa are the singers of the soundtrack of Czech...
Jojo Rabbit is a 2019 comedy-drama film written and directed by Taika Waititi, based on Christine Leunens’s 2008 book Caging Skies. Jojo Rabbit was filmed in various locations around the Czech Republic. To be more specific, Barrandov Studio, Chcebuz, Dolní Berkovice, Kytín, Petschek Palace (Petschkův palác), Prague, Úštěk, and Žatec. Roman Griffin Davis portrays the...
And Give My Love to the Swallows
Are you interesting true WWII story about the Czech Resistance and a young woman’s role? If so, you will enjoy … And Give My Love to the Swallows, where you will learn about a woman from the past, one whom few remember and the young generation probably does not know at all. Resistance fighter Marie...
Czech and Slovak Cinema
Czech and Slovak cinema is finally beginning to make an appearance on the world stage. Among the most successful Czech films made after the fall of communism are: Kolya, Divided We Fall, Cosy Dens, Loners, I Served the King of England and Walking Too Fast. The first Czech CGI animated movie was The GOAT Store...
Movie Scenes from Prague
Today we are looking at movie scenes from Prague. Many films and music videos choose Prague for obvious reasons, it’s beautiful, picturesque, romantic, haunting, glamorous, unique, and well… just picture perfect. Each of these videos are just a few minutes, so take a peek and enjoy your little video visit to Prague. Mission Impossible –...
Zem spieva (The Earth Sings) is a 1933 Czech documentary film written and directed by Karel Plicka (in Slovak: Karol Plicka) (1894 – 1987), a Czechoslovak photographer, film director, cinematographer, folklorist, and pedagogue. He is considered a founder of Slovak film education and film making. He helped establish the genre of ethnographic film in Czechoslovakia. Following Karel Plicka’s graduation...
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