Category / Time Warp
A captivating collection of early 20th-century photographs of Czech children, possibly dressed for school or church, offers a glimpse into a bygone era. As one browses through these timeless images, a curiosity arises about the life paths these children embarked on. The presence of props and toys in some of the photographs adds an intriguing...
Boží Dar is a place that few people outside of Milovice even know about, and even fewer know anything about its strange and darkly sinister Soviet history. In short, it’s an abandoned Soviet town smack dab in the middle of the Czech Republic. But first, let’s consider the name, Boží Dar. This translates quite literally to...
Czech Americans are known to have excelled in just about every aspect of human endeavor, including business, religion, government & politics, law, music, dramatic art, visual art, creative writing, publishing, media, education, activism & reform, the humanities, social sciences, biological sciences, physical sciences & mathematics, engineering, medicine, military, exploration, espionage, sports, and modeling (Encyclopedia of...
Let’s step back in time today and travel to an abandoned spa with healing waters in Běloves. These mineral springs have been known and used since before the end of the 14th century. In fact, Albrecht Václav Eusebius z Valdštejna (or Albrecht von Wallenstein) born 1583 and died 1634 was a Bohemian military leader and politician who offered his...
Today we are sharing a story and some rarely seen illustrations from Josef Lada. This was originally published in Czech as O svátecních houbarích and appeared in Pestrý týden, issue # 24, published on June 15, 1927. We’ve translated it for you and we’re calling it The Festive Mushroom Pickers. Neighborly chatter was coming from one of them....
Retro Bohemian Mushroom Cuisine is the name that came to me when I decided to share these photos from my 80’s cookbook, Jihočeská houbařská kuchařka (South Bohemian Mushroom Cookbook). I’ve had mine since I can remember and the pages are worn and dog-eared, but I still use it, especially for unique mushroom recipes. Keep in mind that...
The following images are of Georgian people. Many people believe these are Cossacks. A Cossack is a member of a group of Eastern Slavic people that numbered over 4 million by the start of the 20th century. What many think of as the “Cossack” dress was in fact the traditional style of the Georgian people...
What many think of as the “Cossack” dress was in fact the traditional style of the mountain peoples of the Caucasus. Cossacks were Dagestanis, Terek, Kuban, Ossetians, Kabardians, Ingush, Chechens, Circassians, Tatars, Kumyks, Don, Kalmyks, Urals, Astrakhan to name a few… The key (and most recognizable) piece in the outfit is called the cherkeska, a long flowing...
This post features Georgian women & children. They are a class of Eastern Slavic people that numbered over 4 million by the start of the 20th century. What many think of as the “Cossack” dress was in fact the traditional style of Georgian people and the mountain peoples of the Caucasus. Cossacks were Dagestanis, Terek, Kuban, Ossetians,...
Cossacks are a class of Eastern Slavic people that numbered over 4 million by the start of the 20th century. They emerged in the 14th-15th centuries, forming democratic communities in the great river basins of what is now southern Russia and Ukraine. Since their early days they had maintained the traditions of military training in...
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