The following stories about a Bohemian boyhood (1851-1867) have been provided by Bill Skocpol, a loyal supporter of Très Bohemes. They were written by Frank J. Sadilek of Wilber, Nebraska, Bill’s great-great-grandfather, as reminiscences about his boyhood in Ledeč nad Sázavou, Central Bohemia. The post is separated into Bill’s notes with updated facts, maps, and...
The Gray Man Showcases Prague as World Locations
The Gray Man is reportedly Netflix’s biggest budget original film, with a budget of $250 million. It debuted on Netflix on July 22, 2022. The film is a cinematic adaptation of Mark Greaney’s novel of the same name and features stunning footage throughout Prague. Filming in Prague began on June 27, 2021, and ended on...
Most The Story of the Bridge film
Want to watch a 30 minute Czech film (with subtitles) that will literally change your life? That is the gift I am bringing you today. The film Most (The Bridge) is so touching, it is perhaps the most poetic, powerful and brilliant piece of film making I have seen in recent memory. I guarantee you...
Czech children love to play pexeso. Pexeso is a memory game and it really is a great family card game because you can play it with a regular pack of cards, or with picture cards that your child might like. The best part of this game is that younger players are often able to compete...
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