Category / Movies
Jirí Trnka, a luminary in the world of stop-motion animation, left an indelible mark with his 1949 short film, ‘The Devil’s Mill’ (Certuv mlýn). Spanning a concise 21 minutes, this hauntingly atmospheric piece unfolds a fable set in a mysterious, moonlit night where a barrel organ grinder encounters the devil. Trnka’s genius shines through as...
Czechoslovakian Filmmakers: A Legacy of Innovative Storytelling and Cinematic Excellence (*Please give the page a few moments to load the videos fully.) Czechoslovakia was known for its rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions, and its film industry was no exception. From the late 19th century until its dissolution in 1993, Czechoslovakia produced several talented and...
Czech surrealist filmmaker Jan Svankmajer has been producing work since the 1960s. He is best known for his imaginative and frequently macabre films. With his distinct style, he merges live-action video with animation, stop-motion, and other visual storytelling techniques. Jan Svankmajer was born in 1934 in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and grew up in a family with...
Today we are revisiting the Golem of Prague. We’ve written about this before in our post The Legend of The Golem but our friend Barbara S. Weitz shared the following information which we’ve decided to share here with you because it’s so interesting. We hope you enjoy it. Who is the Golem? The Golem is...
The Czech New Wave
There are many so-called “new waves” in film history, from the French nouvelle vague (1959 through the middle 1960s) to the present day. While such monikers serve many purposes, including facilitating international marketing , they do identify those regions where, for any number of reasons, particularly fertile and original bodies of creative work have emerged....
The Gray Man Showcases Prague as World Locations
The Gray Man is reportedly Netflix’s biggest budget original film, with a budget of $250 million. It debuted on Netflix on July 22, 2022. The film is a cinematic adaptation of Mark Greaney’s novel of the same name and features stunning footage throughout Prague. Filming in Prague began on June 27, 2021, and ended on...
Most The Story of the Bridge film
Want to watch a 30 minute Czech film (with subtitles) that will literally change your life? That is the gift I am bringing you today. The film Most (The Bridge) is so touching, it is perhaps the most poetic, powerful and brilliant piece of film making I have seen in recent memory. I guarantee you...
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