Category / CULTURE
What a special post today, as we are looking at the most adorable and sweet sleeping babies clad in Slovak kroje thanks to the creative mind and eye of Slovak photographer Monika Klučiarová. She has taken precious little newborns and dresses them in kroje (traditional Slovak folk dress/costume) to create the most adorable portraits, we promise you...
Last week we wrote about the Historical Depeche Mode Concert in the CSSR . After the famous concert, Depeche Mode returned to Prague with their photographer Anton Corbijn and he took this series of beautiful photographs. Yes, Depeche Mode, back in the CSSR. The photographic style of Anton Corbijn is instantly recognizable. His images of...
Jerzy Michalka is a Czech photographer on Instagram. Not much is known about him accept for the fact that he uses a Nikon D7200 and with it he takes some of the most breathtaking photos of our favorite place, Czech Republic! Jerzy photographs not only pictures of the capital, Prague but all around other surrounding...
The Breda & Weinstein department store by the Viennese architect Leopold Bauer first opened at the beginning of October in 1928. It was one of the most modern buildings of its time. It stood five stories above ground and had two underground floors, and it served as retail shops as well as a clothing factory....
Vanilkové rohlíčky is a type of traditional Czech Christmas cookie that has a mild vanilla flavor and a slightly nutty texture. They are very fragile cookies with a fine flavor and a pretty appearance. Vanilkové rohlíčky are usually shaped into tiny delicate crescents. This is where they get their name, which translates to “Little vanilla...
Pracinky are traditional Czech Christmas cookies with a rich chocolate flavor and a delicate buttery texture. Due to the inclusion of cinnamon and clove, the cookies have a pleasant and mild spiced taste. Adding these spices also provides a delightfully festive fragrance while the cookies are baking. THIS POST HAS MOVED TO OUR PATREON SITE...
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