Are you interested in world famous recipes of Czechoslovak specialties? If so, then you will enjoy today’s post. I have had a little booklet for ages which I have wanted to share with you. It was put out by the Foreign Trade Commission and KOOSPOL. Based on the graphics and the amount of time I have had it, it’s at least 35+ years old. I just love the graphics in this little booklet. As you can see from the cover, it’s called World Famous Recipes of Czechoslovak Specialties from the World Exhibition.
I hope you enjoy it!
Please make sure to allow time for the images to load…

We’ve written about Czechoslovak specialties like Jelinek products before:
Golden Slivovitz by R. Jelinek
Wonderful Gift of Pear Williams Pear Brandy
And about Czech Airlines:
Through the Years – ČSA Airline History
Let’s continue with this cute little booklet…

We have written about this before as well…
Josef Čapek – Artist and Inventor of Robot
And many, many posts about Pilsner Urquell!
Our archive of beer-related posts:

How about our fried cheese recipe?
Czech Fried Cheese or Smažený sýr
We love Czech-styled fried cheese!

Ah yes, sugar beets.
A fascinating article we wrote some time ago speaks about beet production in Czechoslovakia and how it made the Czechs millions – excuse me – billions, yes, with a ‘B’. You can read that by clicking the link below.
Czechs and Their Billion Dollar Beets
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