In the spirit of Halloween, we wanted to post something scary and sinister like an abandoned haunted mansion. Little did we know what a horrible and hideous hidden history we’d uncover when we came across the Pfaffenhof Mansion.

Image: Desp’s Adventures and Work
Known as Fafák, or Veveří, the Pfaffenhof Mansion has an interesting history linking it to the SS Nazis, torture and the Richards’ underground factories of the Litoměřice camp.

Image: Desp’s Adventures and Work
The once-glorious neo-Gothic villa of Pfaffenhof (also known as Fafák) now sits as a deserted ruin, the kind that seems made for ghost stories. Villa Pfaffenhof occupies the site of the former Wine Chapel of Saint Nicholas, which was documented as early as the 14th Century, cancelled after Joseph II.
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