Today we are looking at the beautiful photographs of Janek Sedlar from Lipova, the Horňácká village. The images come from various forest paths at the time of fog and mist. This natural occurrence gives them a magical and mystical feel, one that is almost from another world, or a fairy tale.
He was born on February 23, 1987 and speaks of inheriting his Wallachian genes from his mother’s side. It s this Horno-Wallachian combination which formed his relationship to nature. For almost 15 years he lived in Veselí nad Moravou. During this period, he graduated from a secondary arts school with a focus on ceramics. Somewhere there was the relationship with the photograph, so he borrowed his father’s camera and attempted his first photographs. However, this period of life was somewhat wild and he ended up with the decision to change his lifestyle.
After this change, he felt the need to go into nature more so he began by regular weekend trips to the White Carpathians, which still attract him today. It’s here, where most of his beautiful work is created.
He often goes alone, saying that it helps him to better connect with the landscape. He takes his backpack for 2-3 days and he wanders, photographing all that catches his eye.
An important part of his overall process is walking. He says it is an amazing tool for cleansing the mind and getting rid of unnecessary thoughts. This, he believes, creates the necessary space for imagination and creativity.
He believes that such experiences cannot be conveyed by words – instead one simply needs to be present and fully experience the moment through all the senses. The viewers of his work so not have this option so he attempts to bypass this sensory deficit by mediating the emotions and feelings he has in each place (where the photo was taken).
To do this, he freely and intuitively uses colors in post production often unrelated to reality. Therefore, he recommends that you turn off your brain and look through your heart rather than merely looking at each photo.
We find his work mystical, magical and truly beautiful.
You can see more of this talented photographers work at his website:
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