There has always been great interest in the genealogy of US Presidents and their ancestral links with royalty. In this respect, no other US President has received more attention than George Washington. That the Father of our Country, the first President of the United States, carried English royal blood in his veins is no secret and has been known for a long time.
The noted Czech-American historian and genealogist Mila Rechcigl has now succeeded in connecting George Washington’s English royal roots with the rulers of the Kingdom of Bohemia, linking him, through several European Royal Houses, with Judith Přemyslovna (1065-1085), a daughter of the first King of Bohemia, Vratislav II (1032-1092).
From the latter, it was only five generations back to Duke Bořivoj I of the Přemyslid dynasty, the first historically known ruler of Bohemia, and his spouse St. Ludmila.
George Washington lineage, all the way back to Bořivoj I and St. Ludmila, is depicted in the following three Tables.
Guest Post Author

Mila Rechcígl
Miloslav Rechcígl, Jr. is one of the founders and past Presidents of many years of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU), an international professional organization based in Washington, DC. He is a native of Mladá Boleslav, Czechoslovakia, who has lived in the US since 1950.
Read his entire profile here. Discover Mila’s many books on Amazon.
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