Now that the winter months are officially here and colds are being spread, it is important to take extra good care of your body. Stocking up on Vitamin C, cough drops, and Echinacea are just a few things we recommend you do. But the best way to clear a cold, and the only way known to Czechs is to drink a hot glass of Babička Růženka.
Babička Růženka is the most popular Czech brand of tea. The name Babička Růženka actually means Grandmother Beauty. Their mascot, a sweet looking grandmother who has white hair and typically Slavic features is shown on each box of tea. There she is on the logo, as you can see her glasses resting on her nose as she makes a ‘okay’ symbol with her hand.
The brand carries many flavors including wild cherry, mixed berry, fruit, seven herbs, forest raspberry, strawberry vanilla, and orange, just to name a few. Our favorites are their black currant with blackberry and pomegranate teas.
Even better than Babička Růženka alone is if you add a bit of rum. In the winter in Prague, no matter where you go, whether it be someone’s house, or to a vendor on the street they offer this warming tea – a cold winter preventative to chřipka (the flu) – to adults and children alike. The rum helps warm your body and sooth your throat, while the tea attacks the cold. Of course, before the flu spreads, when the virus is just in your throat, the alcohol does act as an antiseptic, but this is more for tradition and warming effect than fact.
A side note: There is another Czech drink that mostly men will indulge in in cold and flu season. Gentlemen certainly appreciate “medvědím mlékem” (bear milk), a hot cocktail consisting of steamed milk, honey and a good shot of rum.
Personally, we prefer Babička Růženka tea and we love adding a splash of this Czech rum to any cup of tea.
Unfortunately, Babička Růženka is only sold in Europe, otherwise you know we would hook you up with the best deal.
Wait… We found some in the United States!
We’re lucky because whenever our Děda (grandfather) comes to visit us he always brings a few boxes of this tea, and we love it. Thanks Dědo!
Watch their sweet commercial below…
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This tea with Czech rum is delicious and healthy!
BEAUTIFUL!!! How do I order these ornament?
Ein guter Tee und Preiswert als die Teekanne in Österreich. (A good tea and cheaper than the teapot in Austria.)