Karel Svolinský (January 14, 1896 – September 16, 1986) was a significant Czech painter, printmaker, illustrator, typographer, stage designer and university lecturer. Today’s post is Winter by Karel Svolinský in 1948, in honor of the weather getting cooler and December’s 1st day.
Look at this precious set of 10 original lithographed postcards printed in 4 simple colors.
They are just lovely, wouldn’t you agree?
Karel created these in 1948, and to me, they look both old and new.
I love how they illustrate some Czech folk art traditions of the Winter Solstice holidays.
The maidens are quickly moving with the food.
The fruits and nuts have been hung outside the window to feed our little friends in nature who may otherwise have a difficult time finding food in the snow.
The grandmothers and children are making the holiday decorations.
Apples, pears, nuts, and berries fill desserts with sweet aromas filling the entire house.
The men assist, too, carrying heavy loaves of bread and fresh Kapr (Carp) for the holiday meal.
If it were 1948 and we were living in the Czech countryside, these are the scenes we’d be living and the traditions we’d keep.
It may be 50+ years later, but we still hold many Czech traditions in our home, mostly based on music, food, and stories…
Winter is upon us.
Take this quieter time to enjoy what matters most: family and your loved ones.
Sources: Flickr, Letterology, Wikipedia
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