Even though it has been over 15+ years, I still get asked about my mother’s 21 day fasting experience and while this has been shared on some of my other sites over the years – I am also sharing it here for those of you who wanted the information. I wrote this in August of 1999.
Kytka and her mother, Anna, have always had a good relationship, but after the birth of Kytka’s first child, they began to slowly drift apart. Kytka became very interested in health, diet, natural home birth, midwifery, breastfeeding, parenting and hygienic lifestyle. The information she found was very different in the way she herself had been raised and Anna followed a more conventional diet and showed much disapproval and concern.

A very vibrant and healthy Anna Hilmar with her grandchildren in 2003.
But Kytka had realized early on that this treasure chest of information she had been so blessed to find was worth fighting for! She tried at every meeting to share this information with her sister Kati, and her mother. She put most of her concentration Anna who was diagnosed with Adult onset (or Type 2) Diabetes five years ago. Kytka tried to inform and educate Anna, and share that it was all diet and lifestyle related. She wanted desperately to help her mother. But Anna wouldn’t listen. Recently divorced, Anna found comfort in eating rich and nutritionally deficient foods, fatty foods and a lot of “junk” foods. As she put on more weight her blood sugar rose higher and higher.
At the young age of 55, when Anna’s weight skyrocketed to 230 pounds, she had a stroke. Before this, Anna had never had any health problems and has worked and owned her own businesses her whole life. She had been proud to tell everyone that she had never been hospitalized, or on any medication. But since the Diabetes began, it was a downward spiral of medications and failed dietary experiments until, finally, Anna had a very close call and almost died.
Lying in the hospital bed, realizing how one can get so caught up in unhealthy day-to-day routines and beliefs, Anna made a very important decision…
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